Transylvanian Clusters

Mr. Dominik Patzelt

Danubiovalnet PM, Biopro BW, Germany

Mr. Dominik Patzelt

Danubiovalnet PM, Biopro BW, Germany


Dominik Patzelt obtained his PhD in biology, focusing on bioprocess technology at the University of Hamburg. He is a project manager at the state wide innovation agency BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH, seeking to establish a bioeconomy. To realise this goal, cooperation needs to connect science, the economic sector and business as well as the public. Therefore he is supporting cross-sectoral cooperation across the entire value creation chain as well as technology transfer. To achieve this goal, he is also a frequent speaker to promote the bioeconomy on national and also international level.

He is the leading project manager of the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme project DanuBioValNet with 17 partners from 10 countries in the Danube region. The project aims at transnational collaboration in the bio-based industry via a cross-clustering partnership to develop a value added network.