Transylvanian Clusters

Mr. Wawrzyniec Czubak

- Member of advisory board in Ministry of Agriculture in Poland

Mr. Wawrzyniec Czubak

- Member of advisory board in Ministry of Agriculture in Poland


Czubak Wawrzyniec

mobile: 0048 606 601 666

Education:    2014: habilitation degree in economic sciences in the discipline of economics
2003: Ph.D. in Agronomy, specialisation: Agriculture and Food Economics
1999: M.Sc. in Agronomy, specialisation: Agriculture and Food Economics

Present position: Assistant Professor at Poznan University of Life Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Department Economics and Economic Policy in Agribusiness

Key qualifications:  Agriculture economics; Agriculture policy; European integration; EU Common Agriculture Policy; Evaluation of EU agriculture programs; Agricultural market organization.

Membership of professional bodies (selected):

European Rural Development Network (ERDN)

The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness of Economists

Advisory board for economic consequences of implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2013; Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Warsaw

Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute (IERiGŻ-PIB), Warszawa, Poland; appointment by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

Coordinator in the Programme: You study – You practice. Internship programme for students of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of Poznań University of Life Sciences, UE structural funds: POWER

Member of Committee for the Competition of the Wielkopolska Farmer of the Year; Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region

Member of Regional Working Group of the European Network for Rural Development, Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region,

EcoWaste4Food – Supporting Eco-Innovation to Reduce Food Waste and Promote a Better Resource Efficiency Economy; Partner in the project and a member of the Wielkopolska Stakeholder Group; Leader: CIHEAM-IAMM

Evaluation of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 – member of experts

Member of supervisory board of Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer at Poznan University of Life Sciences

Leader of a science projects:

Functioning, effectiveness and effects of selected CAP instruments in Poland. Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Nr N N112 044635

Macro, mezo and microeconomic efficiency of supporting investment in agricultural holdings with use of the European Union funds. National Science Centre, Nr 2011/01/B/HS4/00654

A short description of the activities and interests

My professional activities, both academic and business, are related to agriculture economics.  The main area of interest covers also agriculture policy and the influence of European integration process on the economic situation of farms and agricultural market. As a scientist and a member of several professional advisory bodies I do the evaluation of EU agriculture programs and the EU Common Agriculture Policy, mainly in the aspect of its influence of farm income and investment in agricultural farms. I am also involved in the analysis of the food industry development and structural changes on the agri-food market.