Transylvanian Clusters

Mrs. Gabriela Pîrvu

Councilor IA, Romanian Ministry of Economy, Industrial Policy and Competitiveness Division

Mrs. Gabriela Pîrvu

Councilor IA, Romanian Ministry of Economy, Industrial Policy and Competitiveness Division


Gabriela Magdalena Pîrvu – Co-ordinator of Romanian Cluster Policy
Ministry of Economy – Directorate Industrial Policy and Competitiveness

Since 2009 involved in designing and promoting the Romanian Cluster Policy.
Representative of Romania in the Sub-group for Innovation, DG Grow, starting from 2007.
Project manager SEENECO, financed in Competitiveness Innovation Programme (CIP) of European Commission; cluster excellence and cluster management.
Project manager of Project ClusterPoliSEE implemented and funded within SEE Programme.
Representative of Romania in the Coal and Steel Committee (COSCO) of the Research Fund for Steel and Coal of the European Commission – DG for Research and Innovation; – organization and co-ordination of activity of national advising group for Coal and Steel Research;
Representative of the Ministry of Economy in the Working Group for Euro-Mediterranean Industrial Co-operation – elaboration of documents for bi- and multilateral industrial co-operation with partner countries in EuroMed;
Representative of the Ministry of Economy in the Steel Committee of Organisation for Economic Co-operation&Development – OECD, where Romania is full member;
Representative of the Ministry of Economy in the UNECE Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration;
Project monitor in the Sectoral Plan for Research and Development of ME-DPIC.
Representative in the working groups for elaboration of programmes and documents related to the implementation of European Technological Platforms (ESTEP, EuMAT, MANUFUTURE);
Design and coordination of programmes bi- and multilateral resulted from the agreements with international and European bodies or as a result of Joint Commissions for technical-economical cooperation.