Pavla Bruskova
Senior Consultant at the National Cluster Association – CZ
With a rich background in industry restructuring and regional development, Pavla Bruskova has been involved in the cluster concept development in the Czech Republic since its beginning in 2002. She launched the first Czech cluster organisation in the machinery sector in 2003; took part in the preparation of the National Cluster Strategy 2005-2008; carried out cluster mapping and facilitation of several cluster initiatives and assisted the establishment of a number of cluster organisations.
As the member of a research team of the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Tomas Bata University in Zlin (2011-2015), she is the co-author of Certified Methodologies for Regional and National Cluster Policies (2013) and other cluster-devoted publications. She founded the National Cluster Association of the Czech Republic and was its president between 2010 – (May) 2019 (
As a cluster expert, she provides consultancy and training for cluster stakeholders, facilitators and cluster managers internationally.