Ruth Aigner has been working as a – freelance and employed – expert for international Business Development and Sales for more than 15 years within the scope of various technical fields and respective companies. She currently is responsible for the development and the management of the ecosystem of the Silicon Alps Cluster nationally and internationally as Director Ecosystem Development. As such improving cross-cluster cooperations regionally as well as trans-regionally is one of her targets. Furthermore, she aims to strengthen the Electronic Based Systems (EBS) network in the south of Austria, to create added value for all stakeholders and to enhance business development activities and opportunities for the Silicon Alps cooperation partners.
She started her professional career at Unycom Information Technology Services – an Austrian software company in Graz with a focus on intellectual property – in parallel to her studies in French, Mathematics and Russian. For more than seven years international sales, business development and consulting as well as key account & project management belonged to her areas of activity. Therein she acquired and managed international renown accounts, several among the fortune global 500.
At the same time, she also continued her professional specialisation with master studies in intercultural management & communication in Switzerland. She did further enhance these competencies in her following assignment with the Indian based company Cheers Interactive Pvt. Ltd. There she deeply experienced the “Indian/western transcultural relation” when building up the European market for them for about three and a half years.
The next challenge brought her back to Graz, Austria, and strengthened her knowledge in the international world of digital ecosystem management and various areas of digitization. She became acquainted and spread the therewith linked concept of the “platform economy” within her projects and leads in her role as technical solution sales and business development manager. This happened in the scope of her engagement with the software branch of the European based consulting company BearingPoint Infonova GmbH.
Seeing this international and professional background, in 2018 she was hired by the Silicon Alps Cluster GmbH, the first trans-regional cluster in Austria, with offices in the regions of Carinthia and Styria.